These are related to the CVC 45X45 133X72 58/59" DYED FARBIC news, in which you can learn about the updated information in CVC 45X45 133X72 58/59" DYED FARBIC, to help you better understand and expand CVC 45X45 133X72 58/59" DYED FARBIC market. Because the market for CVC 45X45 133X72 58/59" DYED FARBIC is evolving and changing, so we recommend that you collect our website, and we will show you the latest news on a regular basis.
CVC fabric is a unique blend of cotton and polyester fibers. Its use in sportswear is becoming more and more widespread, not only because of its excellent performance, but also because of its outstanding breathability. In this article, we will introduce the performance characteristics and breathabil
When choosing fabrics to make polo shirts, CVC fabrics are a popular choice.CVC refers to fabrics that are blended with cotton and polyester (polyester fiber). Why choosing CVC fabrics for polo shirts is a smart choice is explored in detail below, focusing on four main areas: comfort, durability, ea
What Is CVC Fabric?Cotton-polyester blended fabric refers to the cotton and polyester blended by a certain ratio (usually 6:4), when the proportion of cotton is greater than or equal to the polyester, it is CVC fabric, when the proportion of cotton is less than the polyester is that it belongs to th
The latest data showed that US textile and apparel imports reached 8.3 billion square meters in Sep, up by 19.6% year-on-year but down 9.7% month-on-month respectively. The imports rose by 32.4% compared with that in same period of 2019.