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In recent days, the continuous high temperature, unbearable heat, our staff are still fighting at the front line, with their sweat to ensure the continuous development of the company. On the morning of July 29, the chairman of the trade union of the district gave a piece of cool water and daily nec
Features of fabric: not only highlights the style of polyester and the advantages of cotton fabric, in dry and wet conditions of elasticity and wear resistance are good, stable size, small shrinkage rate, with tall and straight, not easy to fold, easy to wash, fast drying characteristics. Disadvan
The decline in textile and apparel exports has been felt in all major markets, but not in the same way. Exports from Bangladesh and India fell by 85 per cent and 90 per cent respectively, while those from Pakistan, Turkey and the European Union fell by 60 per cent. Vietnam's textile and clothing e
The shortage of empty containers in China has eased as manufacturers have increased production capacity, vice minister of transport Zhao Chongjiu said Thursday.The monthly production capacity of Chinese container manufacturers has now reached 500,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), Zhao said at